Orb is a system that provides a service which many people will find useful. Through this program, we can remotely access the files stored in our home computer from Internet, which is the same as saying from anywhere. Installing a software client, and using our favorite web browser, we can navigate through our files, listen to our music files, or see our pictures collection, or videos, just as if we were actually using our computer.
The requirements to use Orb are very few, and the configuration is quite straightforward. What we need to do first, is to create an account on the site that will provide us with a login name and password, guaranteeing in this way the privacy of our data. After that, we need to install Orb’s software client, which will synchronize our files and make them available from Orb’s website. Through the Configuration menu, we can determine the video, music, and photo folders that we want to access through the web. And that’s it; our files will be available from Internet, ready to use, or to share with the people we choose. Also, we can access our files through mobile phones, Game consoles, or other web-enabled devices.
To play our videos and music, Orb will use the media player we have installed on our device, and will reproduce them in streaming. That means we need to have a very good Internet connection if we want to see large video files, like movies for example.
In addition, Orb will give us access to hundreds of TV channels, and radio stations that we can save, record, and enjoy from everywhere.
All in all, it is a very useful service, particularly for people who travel a lot and need to use his/her files constantly. The biggest advantage is that it is absolutely free, and does not require any fees for any of its services.